Sunday, March 15, 2009

A day with the Birds

Yesterday was a day I will remember, and probably a day my kids hope to forget. We got to go to a great park in Brea/Placentia that has a great big pond and dozens of birds. My sister-in-laws and I had been talking about getting together with the "cousins" for a few weeks and decided to meet at a cool park near them to feed ducks and play. Morgan, Tyler and I were all looking forward to a day away from the norm, and fun with feeding ducks, and play-time with Wyatt, Kamryn, and Johnny. Morgan kept talking and talking about feeding the ducks. Well as soon as we got there Morgan and Brooklyn were squealing with delight and excitment and RAN towards this massive gathering of ducks and birds of sorts. Kelsey and Kamryn were all ready near the birds and happy to greet us. Well after a few minutes of enjoying the little ducks eating our rice crispies all of a sudden Kelsey scampers across the lawn with a squeal saying " watch out for the DEMON GOOSE....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!" She had a giggle in her voice because it was funny to be running away from a goose, but there was also real horror in her voice as well. I started cracking up laughing watching this HUGE ugly brown goose with 2 white wingmen following Kelsey and HISSING, yes HISSING at her with their tongues sticking out, which then the laughter quickly became fear for me as well. Demon goose started to chase me and nip at my toes and follow my kids, and so Morgan was petrified and started crying and Tyler just silently hid behind either Morgan or me with a death grip around my leg. I scooped Brooklyn up to protect her and tried to follow Kelsey's lead in corraling the kids on the bench, but even the bench did no good, the geese still were on the attack and would get too close for comfort with them, ready to attack and take the food from whomever they could. After about 10 minutes of battling the Demon Goose and his 2 bully buddies we decided to cut our losses and head to the playground for some perdictable fun.
Demon Goose and his #1 Wingman on the attack after Kelsey and Kamryn.

Brooklyn so excited to see birds, but then intimidated by how many there were around her.
Demon Goose and #1 Wingman on the attack again, I think they were actually after other birds, but Morgan thought they were after her.
Kamryn unsure of whether mommy's laughter is funny, or confusing, because she can tell that mommy is scared, but feeding the birds is supposed to be fun.
Kamryn sitting on the bench watching the birds. Kelsey tried ot get Kamryn to throw the bread, but Kami thought that this nicely broken up bread was her prepared snack for the outing, and she was not about to share it with birds. Such a little punkin! So cute.
Kamryn finally giving in to share her bread snack with a few birds.
All the kids huddled on the bench to be protected from the birds.

Kids throwing rice krispies at the birds more to shew them away than to feed them.

Me on the rescue of Wyatt. If you look closely you can see DEMON GOOSE on the attack at his backside. I yanked him up just in time, and put him on the bench. He was excited when he first got there, but then seeing Morgan in histeria and me yank him from the ground, he clued in real quick that this was scary and not fun. He started to melt down and actually was trembling. And so we ended the torture and finished the afternoon at the play ground for safety and what we now know to be the better happier entertainment at this park. LOL! What a day! The movie clip below is a MUST SEE! You can witness first had what was going on, and see how pshyco these geese were.

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